Monday, October 21, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: An Introduction

I have been given a task to come up with a blog that discusses effective and non-effective advertising.   Me, a first year advertising student barely into her first semester and I’m suppose to tell my readers (my mom) what’s the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to an advertisement.   Okay then, with my limited amount of knowledge (but it’s growing everyday!) and a lot of my personal opinion I am going to convince said reader(s) (and myself) that I know what I’m doing and that my opinions matter!

First, let us establish what advertising is and when it is considered to be effective.  According to my “Introduction to Strategic Advertising professor”, advertising is “The most visible form of marketing communications. Designed to stimulate a positive response and influence behavior in such a way members of target market view the offering favorably”.  Keeping this in mind as I evaluate each ad I am going to answer the following questions:

  • Is it effective? Why or why not?
  • Does it stimulate a positive response?
  • Does the target market view the offer favourably? Why? 

I hope you will follow me on this journey through the good (the cupcake I’m eating right now), the bad (my humour), and the ugly (my grammar) of all things advertising!

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