Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Good: "Girls Don't Poop" - Poop Pourri

***I highly recommend you empty your bladder before watching this video! ***

The latest viral video to sweep the nation comes from a company called Poo Pourri.   Their viral video “Girls Don’t Poop” addresses the taboo subject of girls pooping and their said “smell”(Flowers and cotton candy!).   A proper red headed English (everything sounds nicer when said in an English accent) girl sitting on the loo is the first thing you see and if that’s not shocking enough wait till you hear what comes out of her mouth (“Creamy Behemoth” is said in the first scene).   The video describes why one should buy the product and the benefits one little bottle can give you (rids embarrassing bathroom odours!).  

I LOVED this video  (I was brought up on bathroom humour)!  “Girls Don’t Poop” was enticing and hilarious from the very start.  Even though it was over 2 minutes long (a typical commercial is 60 Seconds) I couldn’t stop watching it over and over again.   I loved it so much I had to show my friends and family and they loved it. Check out my grandmother and brother’s reactions below. Love, love, love, love. I just really loved it okay?  Now that that’s established lets get down to business, evaluating the effectiveness of this advertisement:

Is it effective? Why or why not?

YES! This ad gets people talking! Effective - I think so! Why you might ask?  Other than it’s hilarious and a tad bit scandalous, it reaches a huge audience! Why bother targeting one specific market when you get a whole bunch.  Not everyone is going to go out and buy Poo-Pourri but now at least they know about it and the benefits of using it.

Does it stimulate a positive response?

YES! I told you I was in love.  When I think of Poo-Pourri I think of the laughter and the time well wasted watching the video with my friends and family.  I want to go out and **WARNING: FAMILY SPOILER ALERT** buy everyone a bottle of Poo-Pourri for Christmas just to see them smile, laugh (and because they like to eat A LOT and what goes in must come out) and reminisce about the video. 

Does the target market view the offer favorably? Why?

YES!  I am all about avoiding awkward situations and if by using this product I can avoid them and keep people thinking that my poop don’t stink, the offer is definitely favorable.   The video also mentions that over 4 million bottles have been sold.  By stating this fact it encourages the target audience and myself that this product really does work and people are actually buying it.

One day I would love to be part of a creative advertisement like “Girls Don’t Poop”.  Until then I will keep daydreaming.  **FLUSH**

Agree, disagree or have something to add? Leave a comment I would love to hear from you!

P.S. Check out the bloopers! 

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