Monday, March 23, 2015

The Good: Lego’s “Imagine” Campaign

Lego’s Imagine campaign is minimalism at its finest, forcing viewers to use their imagination.  Imagination is a beautiful thing.

Is it effective? Why or Why not?

Yes!  Forces viewers to see these Lego creations they way young children do (and if they don’t shame on them).  

Does it stimulate a positive response?

Yes!  This ad is easily relatable, at some point in your life you have looked at piece Lego held up by a 4yr old and uttered the words “wow, that is a lovely plane”. 

Does the target market view the offer favourably? Why?

Kinda!  The ad is not offering anything; in fact it doesn’t even have any words besides the logo, but the offering of Lego imagination is very effective.

Agree, disagree or have something to add? Leave a comment I would love to hear from you!

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